Soffront CRM introduces record locking feature to help the users work with the CRM more efficiently. This would prevent multiple users form accidentally updating the same record simultaneously causing at-least one of the updates to be lost.
What record Lock does is, it locks a record for a certain period of time if it is already being used by a user in “Edit” mode. If any other user tries to open the record at the same time the system displays a pop-up message saying the particular record is being used by any other user.
The Administrator users can do the following:
- Enable/Disable the feature.
- Configure the time to keep the object in locked status.
- Unlock the object if it is locked by someone.
In order to do the above mentioned pointers follow the steps below:
- Click on Setup under Links from the home page.
2. Go to System Setup > Record Lock from the left navigation panel as shown in the image below:
3. The record lock options will appear on the screen as shown in the image below:
The settings are:
- Enable Record Locking: Select Enable or Disable from the drop down.
- Lock Period (In Minutes): Select the time in minutes for how long you want to keep the record as locked. The minimum value is 5 minutes and the maximum value is 60 minutes.
- Available tables: Select the tables form the Available Tables list which you want to lock and click Add->. You can also click Add All -> to select all the tables.
- Accessible Tables: The list of tables that you have selected from the Available Tables list. Select one table and click <-Remove to delete a table from this list. You can also click <-Remove All to delete all the tables from the list.
- Save: Click Save to make the changes effective.
- Unlock Records: Click to unlock the records which are already locked. After clicking a new tab will appear displaying all the locked records as shown in the image below:
- You can filter by the type of records which you want to display. For e.g. – Payment, EmailRes, etc.
- Click Release All to release all the records.
- Click Release Selected to release particular records which you have selected.