Quotation Template

It is a model for creating sales quotations. The template includes common information such as products, price, Company logo etc, so that it does not need to be entered each time a new quotation is created.

Selecting Quotation Templates from the Templates menu displays the Quotation Template Manager screen, illustrated below. Use this screen to customize Quotation Templates to suit your requirements. Follow the steps below to work with the Quotation Template Manager screen.

The following columns of information are displayed for each line on the Custom Quotation Template list:

Fields  Description
Template Name  The name of the Quotation Template.
SalesRep The Sales Representative associated with the Quotation Template.
Create Date The date that the Quotation Template was created.
Total  Total indicates the total revenue generated based on actual pricing for included line items (products those were included in quote). Click    to create a new Quotation Template.
  1. Click on Add to add a new Quotation template.
  2. Click on Modify to modify an existing Quotation Template
  3. Click on Copy to make a copy of an existing Quotation Template.
  4. Click on Delete to remove a Quotation Template from the system.
  5. Click  to refresh the Quotation Template list.

Add Quotation Template

Clicking Add on the Quotation Template Manager screen displays the New Quotation Template screen, shown below.

  1. Type in the Template Name in the template name text box it is a required field.
  2. Clicking on the Template date text box brings up the popup Calendar shown below. Pick a date for the template to be created and Click ok. This is a required field.

  1. Select the Sales persons name from the dropdown list under sales person.
  2. Fill in the P.O Number in the P.O. Number text box.
  3. Clicking on the Date Shipped brings up the popup Calendar shown below. Pick a date and Click Ok to conform the date shipped.

  1. Select the F.O.B. point from the dropdown list.
  2. Select the mode of payment from the Terms dropdown list.
  3. Clicking on Add Product button brings up the List Of Products window shown below.
  • You can search for a product by selecting a product from the Products dropdown list and Click  to display the product list below.


  • You can List the product by selecting a Query from the Query dropdown list and clicking  to display the product list below.
  • You can go from page to page of the list by clicking  on .
  • You can select he products from the list by checking the check box adjacent to the product Part# .
  • Click OK to add the products to the Quotation template.
  • Click Cancel to exit List Of Products window without saving any changes.

  1. You can move the product up and down the list Using . Select a product by clicking on the radio button adjacent to it.
  2. Fill in the desired quantity of the product in the Quantity text box.
  3. Clicking on Validate will pop up a conformation message shown below. Click OK to conform orcancel and exit window.

 Add Quotation Template confirmation message

  1. You can add a message in the FootNote: textbox.
  2. Click to refresh the Quotation Template window. It will remove all unsaved data.
  3. Click  to save the  changes to Quotation Template window
  4. Click to customize the Quotation Template. Doing so displays Customize Quotation window shown below.

Modify Quotation Template

Clicking Modify for a line on the Quotation Templates list displays the Modify Quotation Template screen, shown below. Use this screen to make changes to an existing Quotation Template, using the steps outlined in the Add Quotation Template section of this document for reference. Refer below for the additional features in the Modify Quotation Template Window.

  1. Clicking on Update Price will pop up a conformation window shown below, which allows you to update the quotation with the current product price.

  1. Click OK to save and confirm changes.
  2. Click Cancel to exit window without saving any changes.

 Copy Quotation Template

Clicking Copy for a line on the Quotation Template list displays the Copy Quotation Template screen, Illustrated below. This screen allows you to quickly create a new Quotation Template based on an existing one, modifying the fields to suit your needs and save the copy as a new Quotation Template. Follow the steps outlined in the Add Quotation Template section of this document as a reference for working with this screen. Refer below for the additional features in the Copy Quotation Template Window.

  1. Clicking on Update Price will pop up a conformation window shown below, which allows you to update the quotation with the current product price.

  1. Click OK to save and confirm changes.
  2. Click Cancel to exit window without saving any changes.

  Delete Quotation Template

Clicking Delete for a line on the Quotation Templates list allows you to remove a Quotation Template from Sf CRM. A Confirmation window, shown below, is displayed to ensure that is your intention. Click OK to remove the Quotation Template or click Cancel to exit this window without 
deleting it.

Quotes Workflow Implementation

User can setup workflow process for approval of their Quotation by the concerned Authorities such as a Sales Manager. When a new Quotation is created it needs to be approved by the concerned authority or else it will show as Pending Approval. This process will help the users to streamline the Quotation process and see that no quotation is processed without an approval.

Follow the steps below to setup Quotes Workflow

  1. Select an account for which you want to create a Quote.

2.  Go to detail view then click on Quotes and create a new Quote.

3.  Fill in all the credentials then click on Save. Note that the status of the Quote is New