Main Object

Clicking Main Objects on the Project Setup menu displays the Main Objects screen, illustrated below. Main Objects correspond to the internal tables that make up SF CRM and are displayed on a Main Object list.

The following columns of information are displayed for each item on the list.

Fields Description
ID ID is the Identification Number.
Object Name  Object Name is the table name used as a SF CRM object.
Display name  Display name is the name to be displayed on the Object Bar for the SF CRM object.
Main? Main is used to determine the display status of the object. This can be toggled asYes (displayed) and No (not displayed) using Edit function described on the following page.


 Main Object’s screen

  • Click on to make modifications to an existing Main Object.
  • Click on  to work with Main Object Images.
  • Clicking on a column name will sort the respective field in ascending or descending order.

Modify Main Object

Clicking  for a line on Main Object list displays the Edit window shown below, where changes can be made to a Main Object’s display setting.

Modify Main Object’s screen

Follow these steps to work with the Edit screen:

Note: The Object Id and Object Name fields are read-only fields and cannot be modified.

  1. Modify the Main Object’s display name in the Display Name text field, if necessary.
  2. Modify the Main Object’s display status (Yes or No) by making a different selection from the Main? List, if necessary.
  3. Click Save to save any changes to the system.
  4. Click on  to exit the screen without saving any changes.

 Selecting Main Object Images

Clicking  for a line on Main Object list displays the Customize window shown below, where changes can be made to a Main Object’s Images.

Main Object Image screen 

Clicking on an image which you want to change will display the Image Choose window.  The image Choose window displays all the available images from which you can Pick an Image for the Object home by clicking on the radio button beside the image.

  1. After selecting an image click on  to save changes and associate the image with the Main Object.
  2. Click to exit window without selecting an image.