The Home Setup under Group default allows Administrators to Manage (New, Modify Categories, and Delete), Reset and Update the home Screens of the users in a Specific group.
New: This button will open a Pop-up, where users can enter the Name for the Home Screen Template. Once Saved the Template will be created and will be available for Modification using the Modify Categories Button.
Modify Category: Clicking on this button will open setup page with all its functions. This will allow the Admin/Administrators to create categories and design the Template.
Delete: This will allow Administrators to delete any unused Home Templates.
Reset: This will Reset the home of the user with the one assigned by the Administrator.
Update: will update the Existing Home Template of the users with the home designed by the Admin.
In this process New Categories and there corresponding Queries will be available on the Users Home page. Any updates in existing categories will also be available for the users post update.