Selecting Users and Groups Setup on the Setup menu allows you to configure an organization’s user-and group-related settings within Sf CRM, including Authentication, License, Users, User Groups and Password Expiry. This functionality will be discussed in detail in the following pages of this document.
Anybody who has an account and uses Soffront Enterprise CRM is a User. For example: Manager, Marketing, Sales rep, Support engineers. Each User is added to a group, privileges associated with that group determines the information the user can access and the functions the user can perform. Read More…
User Groups
User groups are departments or a collection of people within your business. Users are granted privileges and permissions within the system based on the User Group(s) they are assigned to. Read More…
A new session is created for every Soffront CRM user. The session remains open until the user logs out. An Administrator has the ability to disconnect the log in session, forcing the user to log out. Read More…