View Logs for Forms/Forms[DHTML]

View Log button allows the user to track changes  in Forms/ Forms[DHTML] and find out details of deletion and modification.

Follow the steps below to view Log:

  1. Click on Setup under Links.
  2. Under Project Setup click on Forms or Forms[DHTML]

3.  On Forms page select a Form Name from the list then click on View Log button

4.  This option allows the user to view logs of Deleted and Modified fields in a form.


The following columns of information are displayed for each item on the list.

Fields Description
User Name of the user who has modified/Deleted fields in the form
Object Name Name of the Form
Type Field Added/Deleted/ Modified
Time Time of modification/addition or deletion. Example :08 Jan 2015 12:30:38 AM
Details Details of the field Added /Deleted/Modified