Search filter on the child object preview panel

With time it becomes more difficult to find important information from your child records.  The search filter in child object preview panel allows you to easily search your child records . You can see up to five search results on the preview panel and more on the list view page.

To search a child object open a record containing child objects such as Notes.

  1. For example open All Contacts. ( All contacts has child object as Notes)
  2. Click on the number adjustment to the note to open child preview panel.
  3. On the top of the child preview panel you will find a drop-down list, a search bar and a link icon


  1. Search Drop-down :
  • Will allow you to select the fields to search within the Child object.
  • By default All will be selected which will allow searching all text fields on the Child object.

2.  Search Box:

  • will allow you to type in keywords that can be searched for the selected field on the Object.
  • The latest 5 records  for the search results will be displayed on the Preview Pane , More button will display more search results.

3.  Child Filters.

  • Child Filters that were created in the Child objects will be Available when the icon is clicked for selection.
  • On selection the record set on the panel it will display the records corresponding to the filter.
  • The Filter will remain active when you move from one parent record to the other on the list /query view.

4.  Drill Down

  • When you click on a record on the child preview panel, You will be able to drill down to the record’s details on a new tab.