Our latest Project Management module has many new features and functions. For example:Now you can view task list, Resources, time Track etc on separate page. We have integrated with Moxtra collaboration tool which seamlessly helps to manage and collaborate with remote teams and team members. You can initiate live group meetings with Project team & customers to clarify all project related issues in real-time from Gantt Chartt easily from Enterprise CRM. Its user interface is intuitive and interactive allowing you to work with both mouse and keyboard.You can search task and identify critical path of the TASK. We have extended this with Gantt functionality based on Bryntum’s Ext Gantt.
We have upgraded our PM Tool with latest version of Gantt Chart This feature provides an interface or UI to the user to easily manage the project with the help of the following options.
- Tasks under this project (a task can be a milestone also)
- Relationship between task (parent task, sub-task, predecessor, successor)
- Assignment of different resources on different tasks
When you click on the PM icon new Tab gets opened up from where you can perform following operation
- You Can Search any TASK from search text field in Gantt Chart Page.
2. Zoom In & Zoom Out can be performed through user friendly icons.
3. Zoom to Fit Icon help you to view all TASK within the defined areas in the right side pane.
4. A critical path is a sequence of tasks that must be finished before the project can be finished and in some cases a task must be finished before the next dependent task can start, so if a task cannot be finished on time, then the whole project will take longer to the same extent.
5. You can view TASK Information DETAILS from Gantt Chart.
6. You can perform various operation e.g. modify TASK, Create Predecessor and add resources from TASK information option.
7. You can view TASK & Resource details through TASK List & Resource Icon in Gantt Chart.
8. Individual Resource with Time Track entries gets reflect in the Time Track Page.
9. Project Manager is able to scheduled moxtra meeting with all internal & external member of the Project.