Data Import Instructions

Steps for using Soffront Import Tool.

Functionality #1 – Data Import

Case 1.  Importing data to the CRM for the first time to a single Table.

  1. Click on your name on the Upper Right corner to open the profile Menu.
  2. Click on Setup
  3. Expand Import/Export
  4. Click on Import records
  5. Click on the Drop Down for Database management System and select the Source Database
  6. Furnish the Data source Information like the Location/File name, Field Separator, Text Delimiter and Destination Table.

  1. Click on OK to reach the field Mapping page.
  2. Map the source and destination fields by selecting the fields from the corresponding list boxes and clicking Map.
  3. On completion of Mapping select below fields to define duplicates to check for duplicates during import.
  4. After defining the fields, define an action for the Duplicate records from the given options.
  5. Save the mapping using Save Mapping
  6. Click on OK to start the import.

Case 2.  Importing data to the CRM for the first time to 1 parent table and multiple child tables.

  • Steps
  1. Follow Steps 1 to 6 in (functionality#1, Case1) to map fields for the parent table
  2. Click on the Dropdown “Table Name” and select a child table.
  3. Map fields and define duplicate and actions on the child table by Following steps 6 to 8 in (functionality#1, Case1)
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 (functionality#1, Case2) to map fields on any other child table.
  5. Once complete Save the mapping by clicking on “Save Mapping”
  6. Click on OK to begin uploading.

Case3. Importing data to a child table and linking to an existing Parent record.

  • Steps
  1. Click on your name on the Upper Right corner to open the profile Menu and click on Setup
  2. Expand Import
  3. Click on Import records
  4. Furnish the Data source Information like the file format , the location of the source files
  5. Click on the Table Name Dropdown and select the Parent table which has existing data.
  6. Map a field which is unique (E.g. ID or Email address etc)
    • Note this field and corresponding data must be already present in the CRM
    • The data corresponding to this field “Must Exactly match” with the Data on the Source file else records will be created.
    • The system will use this field to locate the parent record then upload and link the child records.
  7. In this step the duplicate checking Criteria “Exact” is recommended.
  8. Select the action “If a duplicate is found” as radio button “Do nothing”
  9. Once the field from the parent table is mapped.
    • Select the Child table for the “Tables Name” Dropdown
    • Map all the fields from the child table.
    • If necessary define a field to check for duplicate records.
  10. Select a suitable action if a duplicate record is found.
  11. Save mapping
  12. Click ok to upload the data.


Functionality # 2: Data Update

Case 1:  Update existing data on a Parent table using a source data file.



  • Follow steps 1 to 7 (functionality#1, Case1)

Note :

  1. The Key field selected in step 7 must be already present data , otherwise new data will be created.
  2. The Matching criteria should be appropriately selected in the Step (Eg. Exact Match-recommended, starting with , Ending with , anywhere in the string)
  • Select the Option “Update Existing Records” in step 10 (functionality#1, Case1)
  • Save the field mapping and Click OK to start uploading the data.

Functionality # 3: Link Records

Case: link records existing in two tables

  1. Click on your name on the Upper Right corner to open the profile Menu
  2. Click on Setup
  3. Expand Import/Export
  4. Click on Import records
  5. Click on the Drop Down for Database management System and select the Source Database
  6. Furnish the Data source Information like the Location/File name, Field Separator, Text Delimiter and Destination Table.
  7. Click on OK to reach the field Mapping page
  8. Click on the Table Name Dropdown and select the Parent table which has existing data.
  9. Map a field which is unique (E.g. ID or Email address etc)
    • Note this field and corresponding data must be already present in the CRM
    • The data corresponding to this field “Must Exactly match” with the Data on the Source file else records will be created.
    • The system will use this field to locate the parent record then upload and link the child records.
  10. In this step the duplicate checking Criteria “Exact” is recommended.
  11. Select the action “If a duplicate is found” as radio button “Do nothing”
  12. Once the field from the parent table is mapped. Map 1 or 2 fields from the child table.
    • Define the same field as the parent to check for duplicate records.
  13. Save mapping
  14. Click ok to upload the data.