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Service Level Agreement | Session Manager | Known Issues | Resolved Issues |
Assignment Rule
- Configuration Page is opening Assignment Rule submit page.
- UI issue: SAVE and CLOSED button should display in alignment.
Email Template
- Object Reference Message shows up while clicking on CUSTOMIZE VIEW Icon on search email template from Email Option Page.
- On Email Template page the Attachment icon in the floating menu is not loading.
Email profile
- Loader continuously moves when user is trying to select different signature under main profile while sending mail from compose window
Escalation rule
- Error shows when user is trying to access escalation rule.
- Where condition with only custom value in Other Value(s) field is not possible.
- User is not able to select multiple ‘Notify’ fields on creating escalation rule.
Form Designer
- Proper validation msg. not displayed with non-numeric data in ‘Size’ field
- On selecting state as ‘Dubai’ all countries are populating. Issue in dependency.
- Form Designer is accepting field names with SQL reserved keywords
- Remove functionality in Add/Remove from Subforms check button not working
- All the groups are showing instead of the selected user’s group.
- The full length of the text is not visible on clicking Show Groups Button
Import & Export
- Importing records from excel file is failing and submitting blank records.
- Destination fields are changing from Note to Account object.
- Location/File Names is showing different for chrome and Mozilla
Inbox/Send Mail
- Entire page gets squeezed when user re-selects DEFAULT Option from Profile drop-down list in Email Option Page.
- List View
- Although attachment is present but it is not showing.
- Batch Link doesn’t work with latest production folder in sf104.
Portal Setting
- Refresh button doesn’t work in Portal setting Page.
- There is no line break up or spacing in confirmation message followed by save operation.
- Label should display as Header/Footer Message Manager instead of Footer Message Manager.
- Even if user doesn’t make any changes in Company logo but still confirmation message shows up after save the page.
- Wrong tool-tip shows up in Social Media icon in Portal setup page.
Query Manager
- In Query Manager page the More Button image is not loaded properly in Orange theme
- Customize button should not appeared while saving advanced search type of query.
- After selecting all values in value list and clicking ‘run’ new tab is opening but without any record, save new field is generated
Quotation template
- Selected Quotation template gets deselected in Quotation template Manager when any Quotation template is saved.
- Unable to save the Linked opportunity close date
- Standard Opportunity and Forecast Calculation is working incorrectly after saving.
- Date field is not updated if the selected date is a past date or a future date in Quotation Template.
- Copy/ Paste does not work for Phone type fields when any existing contact is modified in Quotation.
- Cancel does not work when confirm message comes up while adding line items in a quotation.
- Copy/ Paste does not work for Phone type fields when any existing contact is modified in Quotation.
- Premium support & Sub total values does not show correct values when PDF is generated for any quotation.
Record Operation
- Activity start date is auto-populating with arbitrary start date time.
- Convert batch action for lead object not working properly
- Refresh functionality is not working for leads search result page
Report Manager
- User unable to select OWNER from drop-down list in Report Manager Page.
Report Scheduler
- The EmailList field of the Report Scheduler page is accepting junk values.
User and User Group
- Setup configuration and special are missing in modify user group page
- Workflow
- Workflow Rule doesn’t work on SUBMIT action. (both in Parent as well as Child)
- Selected values are not showing in submit form when workflow Rule is created on Submit Action.