Resolved issue 10.3

Release Note 10.3 Known Issues Resolved Issues

Defect ID


66014 While Roll-up is Approved Expense Amount to Project Expense Amount in audit trail along those changes extra two ‘No Change’ display
66015 In FF Browser while select the Print Button in Quotation detail view the Currency Field alignment get distorted
66016 While select the Print button in Quotation Page In New Tab of Quotation Print Preview Action Drop-down is also displaying
66017 Last Quick Search Accessed Objects not reflecting in Query manager and Report manager until user re logging into the application
66018 It takes more time to log in to and log out from the system, Perform Quick Search in Multi language mode
66019 Unchecked Categories also Displaying in Home Screen Until Select any Checked Categories On Home Screen
66021 On opening the detail view of an Account record in Japanese language the Customize button UI does not load properly
66023 The Action names in More drop down of List View page do not get translated to Multilanguage
66024 Error shows while specifying condition for the DATE field during creation of child record filter.
66025 In Calendar Page loader keeps on moving continuously without retrieving any date in TASK.
66026 Unusual code gets display Queries/Report button in Modify Group Page.
66027 Although self refereed action EMAIL is present but still on applying Status shows as BLANK.
66028 Email Template search box must remember the Last Template Accessed but it is not happening.
66029 Change Customize record View for Group Defaults with Filter feature doesn’t work in child view.
66030 User drop-down option should display with sorted order in DescribeUserGrpPrivilege.aspx page as highlighted in the screenshot.
66031 Page response time is more while user access Describe Page.
66033 By default Search field should not display as BLANK in List View Tab in Record View Setup Page.
66034 Provided Currency Privilege To a User Group if Removed still My Currency is displaying under My Setup
66035 Report,Edit,Delete,Merge,Map,Create Activities,Audit Trail actions in More drop down not working for Account for Japanese Lang
66036 Customize View icon does not show up in List View page of an object in Multilingual mode. Instead Text gets shown.
66037 On increasing the record count of List View page to more than 30 message displayed is not translated to the selected Language
66038 Batch Link icon does not show up in the pop up for Japanese language and tool tip displayed does not show in selected language
66039 On selecting forward action for a record not having activities in log in user’s name the message shown is not translated
66040 X icon does not show up in the page when selecting an action from Detail View page of Account in Multilingual mode
66041 For Czech language on click Top or Down icon when the selected item is First or last item in the list the msg should be proper
66042 Export to CSV doesn’t work when text type field values having multiple string with comma separated.
66043 “Object Reference not set to an instance of an object” gets shown while log out from SF 10 intermittently
66044 On selecting 2 or more records and perform Audit Trail action in List View page Validation message does not show up
66045 On selecting 2 or more records and perform Copy action Validation msg should not get shown
66046 On selecting one record and perform Merge action Validation msg is not getting shown
66047 For a new user the 1st Category appears as default in Home Screen but appears unchecked in Category selection page
66048 In Email Template Currency type Merge field should populate and displayed field values is not as per user default Currency
66049 For a new user, Search field gets enabled in List View page of Defect object only, even when its disabled in Setup page.
66050 Report Template with Merge field as Currency in batch operation if no value present for any field default 0.00 value not reflect
66051 After perform Export to Excel operation on some Opportunity Records in Excel sheet Instead of user currency value display in USD
66052 A message to re-log in does not get shown after changing the Home Page type for user admin
66053 On modifying a Category, existing Queries or Reports of an object on Home page should not get shown in Available section
66054 Duplicate Items get shown for user admin for every category present in Legacy Home Screen
66055 Home Tab name gets shown with single quotes at each end
66056 On changing the Home Screen from Current to Legacy, Fixed Links Category does not appear in Legacy home Screen
66057 On adding more than 12 Reports or Queries to a Category those items after 12th item get truncated in Legacy Home Screen
66060 While Save All Opportunities Tabular report in html Format if no value present in Opportunity Field it takes Probability value
66062 Though Company Language is Spanish but while select help and KB search from user drop-down menu the contents shown in English.
66063 For same setup menu label is displaying different in Links and User drop-down menu when user is in Spanish language
66064 All Options,Tool tips in Portal setup page still displaying in English while user in Spanish language
66065 In menus/Templates/Tabs/Headerfooter/social media/welcome message page all buttons/ text labels/Tool tips not in User Language
66066 On adding a New Category to a Home Template and then performing Update Operation the Category can’t be added to the Home Screen
66067 After save the mapping page between parent & child object validation message is displaying in English instead of user selection
66068 On renaming a Category the order of the Category gets changed to the last order in the list. Also the order does not self-adjust
66069 In Entire Application all buttons label in any validation message is displaying in English Instead of user selection
66070 After open new relation if directly hit save button validation message displaying in English instead of user selection language
66071 Message “Error Occured” gets shown on entering single Quote in a Category name (eg. Dave’s Links) and saving it
66072 On deleting a Category except the last one the order of the remaining Categories do not self-adjust properly
66073 While try to delete any table from Table manager Page validation message is displaying in English
66074 View Filter and Edit Filter Queries are getting shown in New Category page in SF 10.3
66075 While select Delete All data button in Table manager page Entire page,button tooltips shown in English instead of user selection
66076 Forms[DHTML] page not get load while user is in different language other than English
66077 While Create/Edit/copy a Workflow tab name is displaying in English and button displaying Submit Query instead of user language
66078 On creating a New Category or Home Template without entering any Name inappropriate message gets shown.
66079 While Edit any Workflow Rule Submit button is displaying as Submit Query instead of user selection language
66080 While user try to delete any Workflow action validation message is displaying in English instead of user selection
66081 After creating a New Home Template Edit and Delete buttons work even when Category is not present
66082 In Gadget manager page instead of Button text label shown & for invalid search message shown in English instead of user language
66084 A Home Template cannot be created with single quote in its name. Nothing happens on clicking the Create button.
66085 In home screen add button tool tip &select table label in Query / Report /Links shown in English instead of User language
66086 While Run Any Dashboard template from dashboard manager page Tab name and tool tip are shown in English instead of user language
66087 In Mail Server Setup after remove value from Required field if save validation message shown in English instead of user language
66088 After renaming a Category for a Home template and performing Update operation the original Category gets shown
66089 “Check availability” functionality is not working in the Invite user page while changing the Activity duration time span.
66090 Starting with option doesn’t work for SEARCH option under List View Tab of Record View Page.
66091 Ending with option doesn’t work for SEARCH option under List View Tab of Record View Page.
66092 Anywhere in String option doesn’t work for SEARCH option under List View Tab of Record View Page.
66093 None option doesn’t work for SEARCH option under List View Tab of Record View Page.
66094 List of value field doesn’t applicable for search option in List view Page under Record View \Page.
66095 After creating a Category for a Home Template and Updating the template, the order of the new category does not get updated
66096 Instead of field label it shows field name as label in list view page for search field in list view page.
66097 Although Categories Present but still login user encounter validation message while adding sub-categories.
66098 List View Search Field Filter gets removed after sorting a column (field) in List view page and all the records get shown
66100 For Portuguese Language in Assignment/Escalation/Priority Rule page Object drop-down list overlapped with previous button
66101 On entering a value in search field containing single quote, records do not get retrieved even when present
66102 In Any Customize Setup view window close button tool tip is displaying in English instead of user language
66104 While user language is Portuguese when open any Automation Rule open in Detail View a Error message displaying in that language
66105 All buttons alignment in detail view page of any Object is improper while user Language is Czech or other language
66106 select Edit button in Records Detail view page the cancel button is not shown properly while user language is other than English
66107 If Record count increase more than 30 in List view page the validation message is displaying in English instead of user language
66108 While Edit any Automation Rule tab name is displaying In English instead of user language
66109 When user in multi-lingual no batch action is working in List view Except batch Link,Select all, To Excel , Workflow.
66110 While copy/edit Any Record from Floating Menu tab name is displaying in English instead of user selected language
66111 While try to delete any record from List View validation message is displaying in English instead of user language
66112 While open new duplicate record page the tab name is displaying in English instead of user language
66113 While edit/Copy any duplicate Rule tab name is not displaying in User selected Language
66114 While Edit any Duplicate Rule from detail view page user belongs to other language except English get wrong message in English
66115 Tool tip is not present for the Search icon beside Search field in List View page
66116 If select the report button in Detail View of a duplicate rule record validation message is not displaying in User language
66118 While Select the option button in Notification Rule page entire pop-up is displaying in English instead of user language
66119 On deleting a Search value from List View Search field and Pressing Enter the Search Field label does not get shown
66121 “No Record Found” gets shown on clicking a Group By field value containing single quote in List View page
66122 While create/Copy/Edit any Email Response rule tab name is displaying in English instead of user language
66124 While Delete a user from User setup page validation message is not displaying in User selection language
66125 When user multilingual that time while create new user from user setup page ‘index was outside the bounds of array’ message show
66126 While user in French language while log in Report manager still displaying in English it should be:-‘Gestionnaire de rapports’
66132 When User in french language While open Workflow manager page it is displaying blank
66133 A line gets shown in Save button while creating or editing a Category from Home Setup page
66134 The message to reconnect does not get translated to respected language (except English) selected
66135 If Email Template privilege is revoked for Administration group Email Template Setup can still be accessed from Home Screen page
66136 “Object Reference Error” when running a Matrix Report with Created as Today, Row as Company, Column as Quarterly in multilanguag
66137 “Invalid Date” gets shown when clicking OK in the Calendar pop up after a date is selected
66138 “System Error Occurred” gets shown on deleting a Category from Home Setup page in Firefox Browser only
66139 A non-admin user can view and edit other user’s private Email Templates in Email Template Manager page
66140 On creating a Category without entering any Query,Report or Link no validation message gets shown.
66141 A Home Screen Category can be created with a duplicate Category name whose Query,Report,Links get replaced with existing one
66142 After opening the Query Manager, a user is able to access revoked Queries from Query drop down in Home Screen
66143 User unable to select value for Start Time and End Time from Calendar Window while scheduling an Activity in Chinese Language
66144 For enable Activity Reminder while select Pop-up window not displaying in Multi-lingual
66145 While Create a New Activity the tab name and Tool tip is displaying in English instead of user selected language
66147 On opening the Calendar page for every language other than English “NaN Undefined” gets shown for Date fields for Day Tab
66148 On enabling “Missed Activity(s) Pop Interval” in Calendar Setup page the text in the pop up does not get translated
66149 On selecting more than 8 Categories in Home Screen the validation message does not get translated to non-English Languages
66151 On viewing the Calendar in Spanish language in Firefox the Task pane gets truncated
66152 While Create a Advance Search Query If put duplicate name validation message is displaying in English instead of User language
66153 On performing Roll Over in Calendar page the message shown in not translated to non-English languages
66154 The text of the label and the button in the Import Ical pop up does not get translated to non-English languages
66155 While user try to delete Query/Report from Query/Report manager page validation message show in English instead of user Language
66156 The “Home Page” item under System Setup and the page content does not get translated to non-English language
66157 The text “Missed Activity(s) Pop Interval” in Calendar Setup page does not get translated to non-English language
66158 The text in the “Apply to Group” pop up when clicking the “Apply to Group” button does not get translated to non-English languag
66159 Record View Filter is not working for a Object while use that Object as Child Mail Merge Field in Email Template of other Object
66160 “>” in place of “->” gets shown in the “Add ” and “Insert” button in Detail View Setup page Tab
66162 The label in Search Field options in List View Tab of Record View Setup does not get translated into Non-English language
66164 While select add Activities from Floating menu of a object list view tab name and tool-tip is not displaying in User language
66165 In Attachment pop-up window label is displaying wrong when user is multi-lingual
66166 While select the forward button validation message is not displaying in user language
66169 The column label and Page label in Home Template page does not get translated in Non-English language
66170 The confirmation messages on clicking Delete,Reset and Update buttons in Home Templates page does not get translated
66177 In Category Manager page the “Links (Names)” column does not get translated in Non-English language
66179 On deleting a Category the confirmation message shown does not get translated into Non-English Language
66180 In Category Manager page the Home Categories page name does not get translated in Non-English language
66183 In Query manager Page SQL Query is not converted to user language
66184 While open Advance search page or Sql Query Page from Query manager page loader is not displaying in user language
66185 In New SQL Query page while select the view or sort by Buddy button in popup window label is not displaying in user language
66186 In Query manager page Refresh Icon tool tip and more button label is not displaying in user language
66189 On opening the New/Edit Category page the Save button UI is not shown properly
66190 In the Personal Settings page the label should get shown in a single line
66191 In Query Setup page the Text in the beginning of Step 2 is not aligned properly
66192 The label in the Survey Path page does not get translated in Non-English language
66193 The button tool tip, page label, column name, message in Queued/Failed Mail page does not get translated in Non-English language
66194 On clicking the Send Mail icon in Queued/Failed Mail page the text in the loader should translate to Non-English languages
66195 On clicking the Send Mail icon if unable to send email the message should get translated in Non-English language
66196 On clicking the Show Details or Delete icon when no record is present the message should get translated in Non-English language
66202 In Czech language, the Recent Items and Links column do not get translated