Release Note 10.3 | Known Issues | Resolved Issues |
Defect ID |
Synopsis |
66014 | While Roll-up is Approved Expense Amount to Project Expense Amount in audit trail along those changes extra two ‘No Change’ display |
66015 | In FF Browser while select the Print Button in Quotation detail view the Currency Field alignment get distorted |
66016 | While select the Print button in Quotation Page In New Tab of Quotation Print Preview Action Drop-down is also displaying |
66017 | Last Quick Search Accessed Objects not reflecting in Query manager and Report manager until user re logging into the application |
66018 | It takes more time to log in to and log out from the system, Perform Quick Search in Multi language mode |
66019 | Unchecked Categories also Displaying in Home Screen Until Select any Checked Categories On Home Screen |
66021 | On opening the detail view of an Account record in Japanese language the Customize button UI does not load properly |
66023 | The Action names in More drop down of List View page do not get translated to Multilanguage |
66024 | Error shows while specifying condition for the DATE field during creation of child record filter. |
66025 | In Calendar Page loader keeps on moving continuously without retrieving any date in TASK. |
66026 | Unusual code gets display Queries/Report button in Modify Group Page. |
66027 | Although self refereed action EMAIL is present but still on applying Status shows as BLANK. |
66028 | Email Template search box must remember the Last Template Accessed but it is not happening. |
66029 | Change Customize record View for Group Defaults with Filter feature doesn’t work in child view. |
66030 | User drop-down option should display with sorted order in DescribeUserGrpPrivilege.aspx page as highlighted in the screenshot. |
66031 | Page response time is more while user access Describe Page. |
66033 | By default Search field should not display as BLANK in List View Tab in Record View Setup Page. |
66034 | Provided Currency Privilege To a User Group if Removed still My Currency is displaying under My Setup |
66035 | Report,Edit,Delete,Merge,Map,Create Activities,Audit Trail actions in More drop down not working for Account for Japanese Lang |
66036 | Customize View icon does not show up in List View page of an object in Multilingual mode. Instead Text gets shown. |
66037 | On increasing the record count of List View page to more than 30 message displayed is not translated to the selected Language |
66038 | Batch Link icon does not show up in the pop up for Japanese language and tool tip displayed does not show in selected language |
66039 | On selecting forward action for a record not having activities in log in user’s name the message shown is not translated |
66040 | X icon does not show up in the page when selecting an action from Detail View page of Account in Multilingual mode |
66041 | For Czech language on click Top or Down icon when the selected item is First or last item in the list the msg should be proper |
66042 | Export to CSV doesn’t work when text type field values having multiple string with comma separated. |
66043 | “Object Reference not set to an instance of an object” gets shown while log out from SF 10 intermittently |
66044 | On selecting 2 or more records and perform Audit Trail action in List View page Validation message does not show up |
66045 | On selecting 2 or more records and perform Copy action Validation msg should not get shown |
66046 | On selecting one record and perform Merge action Validation msg is not getting shown |
66047 | For a new user the 1st Category appears as default in Home Screen but appears unchecked in Category selection page |
66048 | In Email Template Currency type Merge field should populate and displayed field values is not as per user default Currency |
66049 | For a new user, Search field gets enabled in List View page of Defect object only, even when its disabled in Setup page. |
66050 | Report Template with Merge field as Currency in batch operation if no value present for any field default 0.00 value not reflect |
66051 | After perform Export to Excel operation on some Opportunity Records in Excel sheet Instead of user currency value display in USD |
66052 | A message to re-log in does not get shown after changing the Home Page type for user admin |
66053 | On modifying a Category, existing Queries or Reports of an object on Home page should not get shown in Available section |
66054 | Duplicate Items get shown for user admin for every category present in Legacy Home Screen |
66055 | Home Tab name gets shown with single quotes at each end |
66056 | On changing the Home Screen from Current to Legacy, Fixed Links Category does not appear in Legacy home Screen |
66057 | On adding more than 12 Reports or Queries to a Category those items after 12th item get truncated in Legacy Home Screen |
66060 | While Save All Opportunities Tabular report in html Format if no value present in Opportunity Field it takes Probability value |
66062 | Though Company Language is Spanish but while select help and KB search from user drop-down menu the contents shown in English. |
66063 | For same setup menu label is displaying different in Links and User drop-down menu when user is in Spanish language |
66064 | All Options,Tool tips in Portal setup page still displaying in English while user in Spanish language |
66065 | In menus/Templates/Tabs/Headerfooter/social media/welcome message page all buttons/ text labels/Tool tips not in User Language |
66066 | On adding a New Category to a Home Template and then performing Update Operation the Category can’t be added to the Home Screen |
66067 | After save the mapping page between parent & child object validation message is displaying in English instead of user selection |
66068 | On renaming a Category the order of the Category gets changed to the last order in the list. Also the order does not self-adjust |
66069 | In Entire Application all buttons label in any validation message is displaying in English Instead of user selection |
66070 | After open new relation if directly hit save button validation message displaying in English instead of user selection language |
66071 | Message “Error Occured” gets shown on entering single Quote in a Category name (eg. Dave’s Links) and saving it |
66072 | On deleting a Category except the last one the order of the remaining Categories do not self-adjust properly |
66073 | While try to delete any table from Table manager Page validation message is displaying in English |
66074 | View Filter and Edit Filter Queries are getting shown in New Category page in SF 10.3 |
66075 | While select Delete All data button in Table manager page Entire page,button tooltips shown in English instead of user selection |
66076 | Forms[DHTML] page not get load while user is in different language other than English |
66077 | While Create/Edit/copy a Workflow tab name is displaying in English and button displaying Submit Query instead of user language |
66078 | On creating a New Category or Home Template without entering any Name inappropriate message gets shown. |
66079 | While Edit any Workflow Rule Submit button is displaying as Submit Query instead of user selection language |
66080 | While user try to delete any Workflow action validation message is displaying in English instead of user selection |
66081 | After creating a New Home Template Edit and Delete buttons work even when Category is not present |
66082 | In Gadget manager page instead of Button text label shown & for invalid search message shown in English instead of user language |
66084 | A Home Template cannot be created with single quote in its name. Nothing happens on clicking the Create button. |
66085 | In home screen add button tool tip &select table label in Query / Report /Links shown in English instead of User language |
66086 | While Run Any Dashboard template from dashboard manager page Tab name and tool tip are shown in English instead of user language |
66087 | In Mail Server Setup after remove value from Required field if save validation message shown in English instead of user language |
66088 | After renaming a Category for a Home template and performing Update operation the original Category gets shown |
66089 | “Check availability” functionality is not working in the Invite user page while changing the Activity duration time span. |
66090 | Starting with option doesn’t work for SEARCH option under List View Tab of Record View Page. |
66091 | Ending with option doesn’t work for SEARCH option under List View Tab of Record View Page. |
66092 | Anywhere in String option doesn’t work for SEARCH option under List View Tab of Record View Page. |
66093 | None option doesn’t work for SEARCH option under List View Tab of Record View Page. |
66094 | List of value field doesn’t applicable for search option in List view Page under Record View \Page. |
66095 | After creating a Category for a Home Template and Updating the template, the order of the new category does not get updated |
66096 | Instead of field label it shows field name as label in list view page for search field in list view page. |
66097 | Although Categories Present but still login user encounter validation message while adding sub-categories. |
66098 | List View Search Field Filter gets removed after sorting a column (field) in List view page and all the records get shown |
66100 | For Portuguese Language in Assignment/Escalation/Priority Rule page Object drop-down list overlapped with previous button |
66101 | On entering a value in search field containing single quote, records do not get retrieved even when present |
66102 | In Any Customize Setup view window close button tool tip is displaying in English instead of user language |
66104 | While user language is Portuguese when open any Automation Rule open in Detail View a Error message displaying in that language |
66105 | All buttons alignment in detail view page of any Object is improper while user Language is Czech or other language |
66106 | select Edit button in Records Detail view page the cancel button is not shown properly while user language is other than English |
66107 | If Record count increase more than 30 in List view page the validation message is displaying in English instead of user language |
66108 | While Edit any Automation Rule tab name is displaying In English instead of user language |
66109 | When user in multi-lingual no batch action is working in List view Except batch Link,Select all, To Excel , Workflow. |
66110 | While copy/edit Any Record from Floating Menu tab name is displaying in English instead of user selected language |
66111 | While try to delete any record from List View validation message is displaying in English instead of user language |
66112 | While open new duplicate record page the tab name is displaying in English instead of user language |
66113 | While edit/Copy any duplicate Rule tab name is not displaying in User selected Language |
66114 | While Edit any Duplicate Rule from detail view page user belongs to other language except English get wrong message in English |
66115 | Tool tip is not present for the Search icon beside Search field in List View page |
66116 | If select the report button in Detail View of a duplicate rule record validation message is not displaying in User language |
66118 | While Select the option button in Notification Rule page entire pop-up is displaying in English instead of user language |
66119 | On deleting a Search value from List View Search field and Pressing Enter the Search Field label does not get shown |
66121 | “No Record Found” gets shown on clicking a Group By field value containing single quote in List View page |
66122 | While create/Copy/Edit any Email Response rule tab name is displaying in English instead of user language |
66124 | While Delete a user from User setup page validation message is not displaying in User selection language |
66125 | When user multilingual that time while create new user from user setup page ‘index was outside the bounds of array’ message show |
66126 | While user in French language while log in Report manager still displaying in English it should be:-‘Gestionnaire de rapports’ |
66132 | When User in french language While open Workflow manager page it is displaying blank |
66133 | A line gets shown in Save button while creating or editing a Category from Home Setup page |
66134 | The message to reconnect does not get translated to respected language (except English) selected |
66135 | If Email Template privilege is revoked for Administration group Email Template Setup can still be accessed from Home Screen page |
66136 | “Object Reference Error” when running a Matrix Report with Created as Today, Row as Company, Column as Quarterly in multilanguag |
66137 | “Invalid Date” gets shown when clicking OK in the Calendar pop up after a date is selected |
66138 | “System Error Occurred” gets shown on deleting a Category from Home Setup page in Firefox Browser only |
66139 | A non-admin user can view and edit other user’s private Email Templates in Email Template Manager page |
66140 | On creating a Category without entering any Query,Report or Link no validation message gets shown. |
66141 | A Home Screen Category can be created with a duplicate Category name whose Query,Report,Links get replaced with existing one |
66142 | After opening the Query Manager, a user is able to access revoked Queries from Query drop down in Home Screen |
66143 | User unable to select value for Start Time and End Time from Calendar Window while scheduling an Activity in Chinese Language |
66144 | For enable Activity Reminder while select Pop-up window not displaying in Multi-lingual |
66145 | While Create a New Activity the tab name and Tool tip is displaying in English instead of user selected language |
66147 | On opening the Calendar page for every language other than English “NaN Undefined” gets shown for Date fields for Day Tab |
66148 | On enabling “Missed Activity(s) Pop Interval” in Calendar Setup page the text in the pop up does not get translated |
66149 | On selecting more than 8 Categories in Home Screen the validation message does not get translated to non-English Languages |
66151 | On viewing the Calendar in Spanish language in Firefox the Task pane gets truncated |
66152 | While Create a Advance Search Query If put duplicate name validation message is displaying in English instead of User language |
66153 | On performing Roll Over in Calendar page the message shown in not translated to non-English languages |
66154 | The text of the label and the button in the Import Ical pop up does not get translated to non-English languages |
66155 | While user try to delete Query/Report from Query/Report manager page validation message show in English instead of user Language |
66156 | The “Home Page” item under System Setup and the page content does not get translated to non-English language |
66157 | The text “Missed Activity(s) Pop Interval” in Calendar Setup page does not get translated to non-English language |
66158 | The text in the “Apply to Group” pop up when clicking the “Apply to Group” button does not get translated to non-English languag |
66159 | Record View Filter is not working for a Object while use that Object as Child Mail Merge Field in Email Template of other Object |
66160 | “>” in place of “->” gets shown in the “Add ” and “Insert” button in Detail View Setup page Tab |
66162 | The label in Search Field options in List View Tab of Record View Setup does not get translated into Non-English language |
66164 | While select add Activities from Floating menu of a object list view tab name and tool-tip is not displaying in User language |
66165 | In Attachment pop-up window label is displaying wrong when user is multi-lingual |
66166 | While select the forward button validation message is not displaying in user language |
66169 | The column label and Page label in Home Template page does not get translated in Non-English language |
66170 | The confirmation messages on clicking Delete,Reset and Update buttons in Home Templates page does not get translated |
66177 | In Category Manager page the “Links (Names)” column does not get translated in Non-English language |
66179 | On deleting a Category the confirmation message shown does not get translated into Non-English Language |
66180 | In Category Manager page the Home Categories page name does not get translated in Non-English language |
66183 | In Query manager Page SQL Query is not converted to user language |
66184 | While open Advance search page or Sql Query Page from Query manager page loader is not displaying in user language |
66185 | In New SQL Query page while select the view or sort by Buddy button in popup window label is not displaying in user language |
66186 | In Query manager page Refresh Icon tool tip and more button label is not displaying in user language |
66189 | On opening the New/Edit Category page the Save button UI is not shown properly |
66190 | In the Personal Settings page the label should get shown in a single line |
66191 | In Query Setup page the Text in the beginning of Step 2 is not aligned properly |
66192 | The label in the Survey Path page does not get translated in Non-English language |
66193 | The button tool tip, page label, column name, message in Queued/Failed Mail page does not get translated in Non-English language |
66194 | On clicking the Send Mail icon in Queued/Failed Mail page the text in the loader should translate to Non-English languages |
66195 | On clicking the Send Mail icon if unable to send email the message should get translated in Non-English language |
66196 | On clicking the Show Details or Delete icon when no record is present the message should get translated in Non-English language |
66202 | In Czech language, the Recent Items and Links column do not get translated |