Resolved Issue

Release Note Known Issues Resolved Issues
Defect Id Synopsis
69186 By default selected mail address gets change to default mail address after perform batch mail operation to max number of contacts.
68887 Child Merge Field value will not get displayed In Notification Rule If it is included in Email Template of any object.
69055 User unable to send attached file through mail while execute the operation from Email Template in FF Browser.
69058 Child currency field value not converted to user currency if field label same as parent label in Tabular/Two-line/Detail Report.
68959 In Send & Save Operation While Add record Having Currency value in pop-up instead of User Currency display in USD with 4 decimal.
69016 ‘Input String was not in correct format’ get display while Perform batch assign action on ticket object.
68841 Audit Trail Not Get Reflect After Cancel Previous Activity On Perform Of Batch Assign Action.
68934 After Release Operation For Internal Project Though Release Note shows under attachment Child but not Reflect Paper Clip Icon.
68954 In Gantt Chart unable to update due date based on Task creation with advanced date.
68830 User unable to provide/Create Signature for the newly added Email from Inbox Page.
68862 Mail body not populate in the “Problem Description” field of “Ticket Submit” form.
68809 Updated value not display in mail if it is done through Notification Rule while taken that field as mail merge field in Template.
68639 While Import Record after Retrieval Of blank Save mapping along With Validation message Blank Import result window get display.
68762 Import records operation through CSV file without mapping fields along with validation message blank import result window shown.
68820 While import records after retrieval map which not match with any Source File field along with validation msg blank window shown.
68480 No attachment is getting shown in receiver mail after Email a Report from CRM.
68783 Wrong URL Is getting display after Select the Link of Scheduled Report.
68677 Instead of Print preview HTML format of Report Get display while select print button in CSR Productivity Report.
68592 Scroll-bar needs to get implemented while edit linked record of created activity in My Calendar Report at adjacent pane.
68570 After Drill-down in target vs achievement Report in Result page while admin user try to set the field wrong message get display.
68651 While send Tabular/Detail/Two-Line Report Via Email after send mail Email Compose tab not get closed automatically.
68603 While Run Trend Report after Modify/create if select insert value display in both list also add, insert, remove button not working.
68836 On execution of Distribution Report contains linked Child Query ‘You Do not have access’ message is getting display.
68585 No Notification Rule/ escalation Rule/ Email Response Rule get fire through scheduler and report scheduler also not working.
69086 UI issue exists in Record Detail view page.
68741 No Lead Records can get deleted from its record view page.
68988 While Perform submit defect Action Against Agent Queue Ticket Though Defect Record get created but Ticket Status not get Changed.
68617 After create Account Record User is unable to delete those record.
69131 After Create a new record tab name not get refreshed to field selected in Recent record Setup page.
68909 While Create Quotation from Template with Other Than Default Currency In New Quotation Page many Field Label is missing.
68911 While Create Quotation from Template with Other Than Default Currency In Record details view No action Drop-down Get Display.
69036 By default HOME unable to display newly reset “Home Templates” in the Home Page.
68646 Entire page gets aligned improper when Home Page opens in FF Browser.
69191 While User Open any Tasks From Gantt Chart tab of that record not get load as per column value set in Recent Records setup.
69095 Newly created “Project Record” from “child preview pane” doesn’t get display in “detail view page” followed by Workflow Rule.
68864 Improper alignment of field Label shows up after adding from Form Designer.
68521 After save or Close One modify mapping window in Map Outlook if select Another Mapping to Proceed ‘System error Occurred’ shown.
69179 User unable to create new group with copy operation in “User Group” Manager page.
69113 Entire application gets refresh on hitting “Close” button when Note submit page open from preview pane.
68655 Notification Rule doesn’t get fire as per rule condition when Notes Record submitted from Record View Pane.
68459 Up and Down Arrow doesn’t work inside the newly implemented text field while creation of notes record.
68680  In Query manager Page Auto Refresh Check-box is not displaying and label also not changed while user in non-English language.
68661 Query selection not gets removed in Query manager followed by change in the Query limit in Query Auto refresh.
68614 “System error Occurred” is get display if Refresh Query manager After Create a New Query.
68583 User Needs to Re-logging two times if Enable Auto refresh Feature and change the Max no Query From Disable State.
69109 Record Locking message getting Display while perform Copy Project action On a Project Record which is Locked By Other User.
69056 Record Locking doesn’t honor for Record belongs to “Email Template” Object.
68826 User is unable to create a New Record after Copy one record of that object which is set as accessible table for Record Lock.
68775 Entire Detail View Page gets blank while one user try to modify the record which is already locked by Other User.
68967 For Internal Type Project after Perform Copy Operation only Least Id related plan of Source record get copied.
68966 For KANABN and Template Type project after Perform copy project operation Risks and Related Plans record not Get Copied.
68933 Wrong message get shown and unable to Perform action Approve New version for Active project Until perform Copy Project Action.
68872 System doesn’t allow to create new child linked “Related Plan” record during “Copy Project” Operation.
68855 For Copy Project Action Though All tasks & resources get copied and present in Gantt Chart but linking not reflect in Task Page.
68713 “Copy Project” Action is not Working in Project List View Page.
68660 Validation message doesn’t get display during creation of new project through Copy Operation in case of same project name.
68587 While Select Copy project action from Detail View action drop-down in New record no child record get copied from resource record.
68455 While select Copy Action from Action drop-down it remain selected so user unable to do anything until Close the record tab.
69168 Existing workflow remain gets change but unable to create new workflow during “copy operation” in-case of existing workflow name.
69148 Included form in the Action shows blank after user view action setup window in Workflow designer page.
69138 Multiple result state gets defined in workflow page.
69137 User able to open workflow in new Tab or Browser based on drag and drop operation from “Delete” Option.
69136 User unable to select any “State” after adding “New Action” in the “Workflow designer” page.
69135 No Validation message gets display while user trying to create self-Referred action on “Start” State in Workflow designer page.
69121 Unnecessary loading shows up followed by validation message in the “Workflow” Page.
69118 System restrict user to save workflow after delete “Submit” Action.
69117 Existing workflow used for “Copy Operation” gets impact without any Save operation.
69190 Email Template Used in Notification Rule if Deleted By User or Present In Recycle Bin Should not reflect in Rule Modify Page.
69188 Email Template Present in Recycle Bin also get display at auto-population list in Email Template Text Box for Email To operation.
69187 Email Template Present in Recycle Bin Also get display in Email Template List While user perform Email To Operation.
69182 Activity present in “Recycle Bin” should not reflect during “Send and Save” operation.
69178 Tickets Records present in Recycle bin get reflected in Record Counter Of Ticket Ageing Report.
69171 Linked Child record Present In Recycle Bin Also Get Reflected in Excel Sheet while perform Export To Excel on Parent record.
69004 While Select KANBAN Board Icon from Tasks Object List View ‘ System Error Occurred’ message is displaying.
69169 Task based on group permission/Filter doesn’t display in the KANBAN Board.
69093 Although user doesn’t made any changes to KANBAN Board but on addition of New Task shows refresh message.
69092 User able to create identical Task Status multiple times in KANBAN Board.
69046 Duration Provided in KANBAN Board while create a New task Not Get reflected in Gantt Chart Of Same Project.
69043 Unit Of Linked Resource of Tasks showing different while it linked from KANBAN Board and Gantt Chart.
69038 KANBAN User unable to add second State after addition of first State.
69035 Old KANBAN icon back again in Project & Task List View Page.
69033 Owner Field of Task record not get filled as per value set in Form Designer while it create from Gantt Chart and KANBAN Board.
69015 Hyperlink get display on mouse over on “Due Date” values in Task record in KANBAN board.
69014 Task details window doesn’t get closed in KANBAN board while create new task after delete the added resources.
65618 In Mac it does not allow users to select multiple Records using the control key.