Release Note | Known Issues | Resolved Issues |
Defect Id | Synopsis |
69186 | By default selected mail address gets change to default mail address after perform batch mail operation to max number of contacts. |
68887 | Child Merge Field value will not get displayed In Notification Rule If it is included in Email Template of any object. |
69055 | User unable to send attached file through mail while execute the operation from Email Template in FF Browser. |
69058 | Child currency field value not converted to user currency if field label same as parent label in Tabular/Two-line/Detail Report. |
68959 | In Send & Save Operation While Add record Having Currency value in pop-up instead of User Currency display in USD with 4 decimal. |
69016 | ‘Input String was not in correct format’ get display while Perform batch assign action on ticket object. |
68841 | Audit Trail Not Get Reflect After Cancel Previous Activity On Perform Of Batch Assign Action. |
68934 | After Release Operation For Internal Project Though Release Note shows under attachment Child but not Reflect Paper Clip Icon. |
68954 | In Gantt Chart unable to update due date based on Task creation with advanced date. |
68830 | User unable to provide/Create Signature for the newly added Email from Inbox Page. |
68862 | Mail body not populate in the “Problem Description” field of “Ticket Submit” form. |
68809 | Updated value not display in mail if it is done through Notification Rule while taken that field as mail merge field in Template. |
68639 | While Import Record after Retrieval Of blank Save mapping along With Validation message Blank Import result window get display. |
68762 | Import records operation through CSV file without mapping fields along with validation message blank import result window shown. |
68820 | While import records after retrieval map which not match with any Source File field along with validation msg blank window shown. |
68480 | No attachment is getting shown in receiver mail after Email a Report from CRM. |
68783 | Wrong URL Is getting display after Select the Link of Scheduled Report. |
68677 | Instead of Print preview HTML format of Report Get display while select print button in CSR Productivity Report. |
68592 | Scroll-bar needs to get implemented while edit linked record of created activity in My Calendar Report at adjacent pane. |
68570 | After Drill-down in target vs achievement Report in Result page while admin user try to set the field wrong message get display. |
68651 | While send Tabular/Detail/Two-Line Report Via Email after send mail Email Compose tab not get closed automatically. |
68603 | While Run Trend Report after Modify/create if select insert value display in both list also add, insert, remove button not working. |
68836 | On execution of Distribution Report contains linked Child Query ‘You Do not have access’ message is getting display. |
68585 | No Notification Rule/ escalation Rule/ Email Response Rule get fire through scheduler and report scheduler also not working. |
69086 | UI issue exists in Record Detail view page. |
68741 | No Lead Records can get deleted from its record view page. |
68988 | While Perform submit defect Action Against Agent Queue Ticket Though Defect Record get created but Ticket Status not get Changed. |
68617 | After create Account Record User is unable to delete those record. |
69131 | After Create a new record tab name not get refreshed to field selected in Recent record Setup page. |
68909 | While Create Quotation from Template with Other Than Default Currency In New Quotation Page many Field Label is missing. |
68911 | While Create Quotation from Template with Other Than Default Currency In Record details view No action Drop-down Get Display. |
69036 | By default HOME unable to display newly reset “Home Templates” in the Home Page. |
68646 | Entire page gets aligned improper when Home Page opens in FF Browser. |
69191 | While User Open any Tasks From Gantt Chart tab of that record not get load as per column value set in Recent Records setup. |
69095 | Newly created “Project Record” from “child preview pane” doesn’t get display in “detail view page” followed by Workflow Rule. |
68864 | Improper alignment of field Label shows up after adding from Form Designer. |
68521 | After save or Close One modify mapping window in Map Outlook if select Another Mapping to Proceed ‘System error Occurred’ shown. |
69179 | User unable to create new group with copy operation in “User Group” Manager page. |
69113 | Entire application gets refresh on hitting “Close” button when Note submit page open from preview pane. |
68655 | Notification Rule doesn’t get fire as per rule condition when Notes Record submitted from Record View Pane. |
68459 | Up and Down Arrow doesn’t work inside the newly implemented text field while creation of notes record. |
68680 | In Query manager Page Auto Refresh Check-box is not displaying and label also not changed while user in non-English language. |
68661 | Query selection not gets removed in Query manager followed by change in the Query limit in Query Auto refresh. |
68614 | “System error Occurred” is get display if Refresh Query manager After Create a New Query. |
68583 | User Needs to Re-logging two times if Enable Auto refresh Feature and change the Max no Query From Disable State. |
69109 | Record Locking message getting Display while perform Copy Project action On a Project Record which is Locked By Other User. |
69056 | Record Locking doesn’t honor for Record belongs to “Email Template” Object. |
68826 | User is unable to create a New Record after Copy one record of that object which is set as accessible table for Record Lock. |
68775 | Entire Detail View Page gets blank while one user try to modify the record which is already locked by Other User. |
68967 | For Internal Type Project after Perform Copy Operation only Least Id related plan of Source record get copied. |
68966 | For KANABN and Template Type project after Perform copy project operation Risks and Related Plans record not Get Copied. |
68933 | Wrong message get shown and unable to Perform action Approve New version for Active project Until perform Copy Project Action. |
68872 | System doesn’t allow to create new child linked “Related Plan” record during “Copy Project” Operation. |
68855 | For Copy Project Action Though All tasks & resources get copied and present in Gantt Chart but linking not reflect in Task Page. |
68713 | “Copy Project” Action is not Working in Project List View Page. |
68660 | Validation message doesn’t get display during creation of new project through Copy Operation in case of same project name. |
68587 | While Select Copy project action from Detail View action drop-down in New record no child record get copied from resource record. |
68455 | While select Copy Action from Action drop-down it remain selected so user unable to do anything until Close the record tab. |
69168 | Existing workflow remain gets change but unable to create new workflow during “copy operation” in-case of existing workflow name. |
69148 | Included form in the Action shows blank after user view action setup window in Workflow designer page. |
69138 | Multiple result state gets defined in workflow page. |
69137 | User able to open workflow in new Tab or Browser based on drag and drop operation from “Delete” Option. |
69136 | User unable to select any “State” after adding “New Action” in the “Workflow designer” page. |
69135 | No Validation message gets display while user trying to create self-Referred action on “Start” State in Workflow designer page. |
69121 | Unnecessary loading shows up followed by validation message in the “Workflow” Page. |
69118 | System restrict user to save workflow after delete “Submit” Action. |
69117 | Existing workflow used for “Copy Operation” gets impact without any Save operation. |
69190 | Email Template Used in Notification Rule if Deleted By User or Present In Recycle Bin Should not reflect in Rule Modify Page. |
69188 | Email Template Present in Recycle Bin also get display at auto-population list in Email Template Text Box for Email To operation. |
69187 | Email Template Present in Recycle Bin Also get display in Email Template List While user perform Email To Operation. |
69182 | Activity present in “Recycle Bin” should not reflect during “Send and Save” operation. |
69178 | Tickets Records present in Recycle bin get reflected in Record Counter Of Ticket Ageing Report. |
69171 | Linked Child record Present In Recycle Bin Also Get Reflected in Excel Sheet while perform Export To Excel on Parent record. |
69004 | While Select KANBAN Board Icon from Tasks Object List View ‘ System Error Occurred’ message is displaying. |
69169 | Task based on group permission/Filter doesn’t display in the KANBAN Board. |
69093 | Although user doesn’t made any changes to KANBAN Board but on addition of New Task shows refresh message. |
69092 | User able to create identical Task Status multiple times in KANBAN Board. |
69046 | Duration Provided in KANBAN Board while create a New task Not Get reflected in Gantt Chart Of Same Project. |
69043 | Unit Of Linked Resource of Tasks showing different while it linked from KANBAN Board and Gantt Chart. |
69038 | KANBAN User unable to add second State after addition of first State. |
69035 | Old KANBAN icon back again in Project & Task List View Page. |
69033 | Owner Field of Task record not get filled as per value set in Form Designer while it create from Gantt Chart and KANBAN Board. |
69015 | Hyperlink get display on mouse over on “Due Date” values in Task record in KANBAN board. |
69014 | Task details window doesn’t get closed in KANBAN board while create new task after delete the added resources. |
65618 | In Mac it does not allow users to select multiple Records using the control key. |