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New Home Screen
New and improved home screen allows users to see all their favorite features at a glance. You can find a link to the video here How to Setup Your Home Page in Soffront CRM
Recent Items:
Recent items display a user’s resent activities in SF CRM. And allows the user to pin and save their favorite or actively used items for later use.
A Query is a request for information from a database. Here the users can look up different queries, such as List of all opportunities or the list of selected customers. Users can even add frequently used queries to the list and build new queries using Query Manager.
Reports are detailed and informative list of records in an organized format for specific audience or purpose. A Report helps the users to make educated decisions based on the report. Users will be able to add their favorite reports to the list for convenient access. They can also build new reports with the help of Report Manager.
Tools display the list of all the inbuilt tools in SF CRM as well as allow the user to add new tools according to their needs and wants. Users will be able to add their most frequently used links such as their website, marketing link etc.
Settings vary from Administrator to Users. An Administrator will have access to all the items in SF CRM where as other users’ will have access to items based on permission granted to them.
Table Drop-down
The Table drop down list allows Users to select a Table from the list, to find their recent item, Query or report related to the table faster and easier. This also provides an overview of the selected table.
Home Screen Customization
Users will not be able to move the Main Sections of the Home Screen but they will be able to modify Queries and Report section.
An Administrator can create and assign new Home screens to use groups. We have added two new buttons Reset and Update while assigning User-group.
Reset: will reset the entire Home Screen for the particular User group
- Update: will update the current set of queries and reports according to the new home screen
Email Module
Server Setup
Easy and Quick server setup before the user logs into Inbox for the first time.
Our new email module allows you to setup and use your email faster and easier. The new inbox is fully featured and some of the features are as follows:
Send and Save
Quick reply : Quick reply allows you to send replies
Easy add contact
Multiple email accounts
Profile manager
HTML signature edit
Folder management
Personalized email themes
You can find a link to the video here How to use emails in Soffront
* New Email Inbox is Not supported by iPhone and i pad.