Fixed Version ( 28th April 2014)
Defect Id | Synopsis |
62893 | New activity is not created from floating menu, in add activity option under LEAD object in Record operation |
62957 | “ Error:Reason:NO[TRYCREATE] No folder Important (Failure)” gets shown On clicking the last Important in the dropdown in Inbox |
62958 | Calendar doesn’t display properly from the Search Mail popup in Inbox page |
62966 | After creating new user group any new report created for privileged table, when export to excel the columns are not arranged in required order. |
62969 | If Contact Table privilege is given to a user group in the records detail view UI issue exists |
62972 | Any subobject filter with ‘ (apostrophe) in the name (eg. k’c) is getting saved but not working. |
62975 | The Apply to group button is missing in the Group Defaults Report Setup page |
62976 | Blue boundary is showing in Group defaults in Orange theme for chrome only |
62978 | In Orange theme ‘Move to’ drop-down button is not displaying properly |
62982 | If horizontal panel is set for view ,text are not displaying properly for a empty folder in. |
62984 | When multiple folders are created under personal folder, multiple buttons get created and Personal Folder’s alignment becomes improper in Inbox and Batch mail |
62985 | In Email Compose page ,After select High or Low Button go to option and set importance as normal and hit OK, High button gets selected |
62986 | After deleting one email a number is showing and in deleted email message same number is showing as well |
62989 | In Record’s detail view select print preview, when print opening in a different tab return to detail view, user drop-down page unresponsive |
63011 | In Report template when search like N’a’s’, page becames unresponsive with error message |
63012 | In Email Template Batch link after performing wild search for library. In Setup View although Doc ID is not selected it shows up in list view. |
63014 | In Form Designer On changing the parent field. Some of the dependent fields are not changing to blank automatically. |
63017 | In Main object the last record is not showing after editing an object for project setup |
63023 | Although Login user having privileges (View Sessions) but still they are unable to get sessions link under Users and Group Option. |
63043 | For Opportunity object after running one Query if Recent Items is opened then that Running Query is not reflected under recent items. |
63047 | After Running ‘Activity Follow-up Report while linking any record to child table , After searching modified Sort by not reflecting |
63066 | Refresh and Print Buttons tool tips are not showing after running ‘Forecast Matrix’ management report |
63068 | Private Reports are also showing While selecting Reports of contact’s object For a new Gadget manager page |
63073 | While exporting a Note record having a large Note text to excel, the record content breaks in the Excel file |
63075 | Modified Sort By Field is not reflecting in customize view of Note Object while Batch Link with Accounts Object |
63076 | Attachment Is not showing at ‘Activity Followup’ Report |
63081 | Maximum Number of record displaying in Recent Records, not reflecting in Recent items |
63082 | Text is going out of the Text Box for long Description in Test Cases Object |
63083 | The Customize button is not getting shown while saving a new advance search page |
63084 | Customize button displaying in Advanced Search page though Query Privilege is not given to that user group |
63085 | By hitting customize button showing Query Setup page though Query Privilege is not given to that user group |
63086 | Alignment of Group By Field is improper for Accounts Object in Query Setup Page |
63087 | After hitting Enter key in Advanced Search page for a valid criteria wrong message is displaying(Only in FF) |
63088 | Tool Tip is not showing for Customize Button in Advanced Search Page |
63089 | Wrong tool tip “LinkedIn Search” is getting shown in the search icon for Facebook Search popup |
63091 | In the Global search setup page the Save button length is very long and the alignment of the text is improper |
63092 | UI Issue Exists in Quick book setup page |
63093 | Calendar spelling is wrong when the Calendar opens for some specific fields for specific objects in Advance search page |
63094 | User Option drop-down doesn’t work on SINGLE CLICK particularly in Chrome Browser. |
63095 | Buddy button doesn’t work in the UPDATE section as highlighted below in notification rule modify page. |
63096 | Validation Message shows multiple times while saving user form. |
63098 | Page response time is MORE when user trying to access next page through Next button. |
63100 | Wrong fields are showing for recent records of Group defaults for another user group |
63101 | Pinned Records are getting cleared from Recent items after clearing recent records. |
63103 | New Assignment rule can be created without putting any Value in any field |
63104 | Suddenly child Record COUNTER doesn’t shows up in the List View Page and it happened only in-case system gets idle for sometimes |
63107 | highlighted button needs to similar in terms of UI compare to other button. |
63108 | Automatically enter value gets save in the linked Activities Record during SEND AND SAVE Operation. |
63109 | Although Record is Present but child global search doesn’t work. |
63110 | While modifying any escalation rule the value of the Update field from buddy button can be edited |
63111 | While modifying any notification rule the value of the Update field from buddy button can be edited |
63112 | An alert msg. “You should fill both From and To Date” gets shown on clicking the run or save button |
63115 | Calendar does not show up properly on clicking the From/To Date field in Exchange Calendar Sync popup |
63117 | For New On Update rule For Predefined Field mapping dependent fields must be non editable by colour (Blue theme) |
63120 | Radio button position for No option is improper for new On Arrival Automation Rule page |
63121 | Only in Blue Theme available task-flow field must be non-editable by colour while Using Task-flow option is no |
63123 | All available fields are not displaying at sort by field drop-down list |
63124 | Automation Rule is not working while Lead Record submitted through copy any existing Lead Record. |
63126 | The OK and the CLEAR button is missing in the Calendar from the Create activities popup |
63127 | In Automation rule page is not automatically refreshed while modifying columns from customize view. |
63129 | Child records are not showing after perform export to excel Operation. |
63130 | Audit trail doesn’t get updated after forward Operation Performed against any Activities Record. |
63132 | Selected values unable to kept selected when user view in the escalation rule Page. |
63133 | Although fields are not showing in Ticket: CPSubmit sub-form but shows in the Preview Page. |
63135 | Start date doesn’t shows up after perform below step during Activities FORWARD operation. |
63143 | Query doesn’t get executed if Query name consist with Special character as ampersand. |
63148 | While viewing emails in the Inbox the vertical scrollbar appears very thin |
63150 | After deleting any email 1 is getting shown in the email list and the deleted email info still gets shown |
63151 | The Move To dropdown button is missing when the More Mail button gets disabled |
63152 | EMAIL FROM address not getting populate in compose window when user tried to send mail to any existing Employee. |
63153 | On clicking the Show To button rest of the email id’s are not getting shown |
63155 | In Customize View of Find And Link of Activity Object Sort by field is not displaying at available list and field to view list |
63156 | Proper validation message should display while forward an Activity after clearing the Date Time field. |
63157 | Calendar Spelling is wrong in any date field while creating a filter from Customize Child menu for Child Activity of Account |
63158 | Customize Child menu for Activity Child while creating a filter for End time after creation Page refresh time STime get selected |
63159 | Proper Validation message should display while creating Blank Date time expression for End time for creating filter of Activity |
63160 | In Activity Followup Report in Find and Link Sort By Field of Customize View does not follow Descending Order check Box |
63161 | Activity Followup Report in Find and Link, Sort By Field of Customize View not Present in Available list and field to view list |
63162 | A msg. “Invalid Folder Name” gets shown when giving a folder name in single quotes within characters |
63164 | In Activity Followup Report calendar page is not showing properly. |
63165 | Defect Version doesn’t created under newly created defects under Projects. |
63166 | Module doesn’t get link with newly created defects under Projects. |
63167 | Entire application gets HANGED after Preview Release Operation against Project Record. |
63169 | User unable to view existing Closed/open Defects through Preview Release Operation. |
63170 | Advanced Search Criteria shows wrong Message when user try to execute through Enter button. |
63188 | For Campaign Performance Report in dashboard the Edit icon does not have a boundary and the highlighted value is getting hidden |
63190 | Proper validation message should be displayed to user while deleting any sub-form |
63191 | Proper validation message should be displayed while batch edit Email field of contact records without following the email format |
63193 | After Creating New Relation, Label Name is getting Changed and it is over lapping with adjacent field |
63205 | Alignment should be on TOP instead of bottom after export to excel operation is performed. |
63206 | Proper Message should display when user tries to SAVE Workflow rule with Action which is already present in existing workflow |
63214 | On clicking the Show CC button rest of the email id’s are not showing |
63223 | When no linked table is added ,unnecessary blank space is showing in List view of account object only in blue theme |