Resolved Issues 11x

 Release Note 11x Known Issues Resolved Issues
Defect Id Synopsis
Batch Mail
70172 While perform send & Save operation if save any content as Email in that created record at Body field html tags get displayed
70251 While perform email To operation with Multiple Account Records though Linked contacts present still To Field displaying Blank.
70297 On performing email to, the pop remains opened in the compose page.
70475 If Email Id format is like “asd@csd” while perform Email To Operation mail get processed without displaying validation message.
Email Template & Notification rule
70250  Account having multiple linked Contacts Perform Send & Save along with Email Template send Mail individually check-box is disabled though message is displaying.
69055 User unable to send attached file through mail while execute the operation from Email Template in FF Browser.
65834 Email Template shows up last child record instead of showing first child record after notification rule fire with Email Template.
71177 Subject line as well as body of the compose window shows incorrect while email Template call from child contact object where parent is Ticket.
70448 On deleting a template associated with a notification rule, the rule still fires according to the format of the template.
70599 In Notification rule set Notify Field to receive mail after perform Record operation additional ids also get displayed in Email.
70294 Although user select only two user from “user” list type field but mail notification goes out with many number of user.
71088 While user create one opportunity record under parent lead record currency field value not displaying in User default currency.
69521 While update any Default currency if user select Cancel Button of Validation Message still default currency set to selected one.
Batch Operations
71089 While drill-down workflow report page though result page get open but report window not gets closed automatically.
69827 Page response time is more while perform batch operation with “Quick details” and “All” option.
69434 Object Reference’ error get display if perform batch report operation for All option in window.
69971 When performing batch operation of notes object (power update), the dangle/sub notes created has status field blank.
70822 Execute Tabular/Two Line/ Detail report for selected records if refresh tab it reflecting original report of all records.
69831 Object reference message shows up during batch update after delete added field in the form designer.
71116 Receiving a Network Error out of Chrome when exporting to Excel.
Project Management
70869 When Automation Rule is Inactive if Access Project through Gantt Chart and user unable to Update %Done value of a Task.
70445 Mail fire to all resource although linked resource remove from the Gantt Chart.
70239 Restore TASK not getting hold based on previous order defined on Gantt chart before delete.
70196 Task created through backlog from Kanban board is not getting display on the last task on the gantt chart.
70144 By default start date shows up old date post creation of task from Gantt chart with blank Date.
70115 If One Project Access from both Gantt Chart and KANBAN Board if resources get linked again after unlink get reflect in KANBAN board.
70073 After add task at KANBAN Board while access from Gantt Chart if select save button due date of added task increased by 1.
70070 After add One task at KANBAN Board while access same project from Gantt Chart save button needs to click multiple time to save.
69899 Based on %Done value provided at Gantt Chart while accessing KANBAN board task should reflect based on Status Range page.
69898 After adding one task at Gantt Chart if user access KANBAN Board then further added tasks not going to reflect at KANBAN Board.
69897 After create task at Gantt Chart if change % Done value after save it automatically takes default value from Status Range Page.
69446 Gantt Chart get crashed while opening any project record for Post Batch Edit operation on Project Records.
69405 No validation message gets display while user scheduled project with past date during “copy project” operation.
70466 Duplicate rule not get fire from KANBAN Board if rule exist on TASK/Backlog object.
70463 Formatting gets break in the mail notification after rule along with template gets fire.
70445 Mail fire to all resource although linked resource remove from the Gantt Chart.
70410 Multiple List of values (e.g. Red>>High~Medium) if Mapped in Priority rule then it doesn’t work in the KANBAN Board.
70197 Mail merge not getting populate after mail get fire on edit action when TASK move from KANBAN Board.
70016 Mail Merge field unable to display post execution of notification rule during creation of task from KANBAN Board.
69952 Notification Rule doesn’t get fire on backlog object while perform from Kanban board.
70614 “Internal server error” is displaying while user try to add another account at Inbox.
70613 Internal Server error” is displaying while user reply any Email After select open Full Replay Form Link.
70512 CRM User unable to click “Moxtra Invitation” link from Inbox as well as link doesn’t shows up with complete hyperlink.
70480 internal server error’display while user send Mail from Inbox to a mail id whose format is like “XX@CC.”
70479 While Send mail From Inbox To a mail Id Whose format Like “xx@xx” mail get send without any validation message.
69720 While save an Email along with attachment at Inbox as Email Object under any record attachment not get reflect with child object.
69703 Page behavior is not same while save any email with attachment and without attachment, for presence of attachment loader get display.
69701 Wrong message getting display while compose new mail for sending mail to a contact and try to save the mail under any record.
69700 While save Email along with attachment if select Apply Linking Rule unnecessary loader get display at time of Rule Page Loading.
Import and Export
70257 When the entire notes object is being exported to excel, only half of the records get exported.
Report Manager/Report Scheduler
69390 Mail doesn’t fire to the recipient (Comma Separated Mail Address) post execution of Report Scheduler.
70258 Report Scheduling is not working in any Scheduler Option while any user try to schedule Any Report.
69874 Though record present which Satisfy Query condition and populate in report but Report Scheduler is not Working.
69824 Report is not getting scheduled as per the given time.
69635 Due To timezone mismatched Report Scheduler is not working based on provided scheduler.
69634 Report Scheduler is not working while Report Save as Attachment.
Record Operation
70787 “Error occurred in save.” message is displaying while try to save any opportunity Record with other than default currency value.
70485 Preview Pane doesn’t open in the popup window followed by duplication rule validation message.
70382 On creating new notes from parent and child objects, non uniformity of auto population of field occurs.
70326 Company Name is not getting reflect after perform “Select & Link” operation during creation of New contact from Inbox Page.
70193 Selected record doesn’t kept selected after perform attach/detach operation in the list view page.
70180 “Closed” button not getting reflect in the Project Submit Page.
69869 Opportunity ID displayed in child quotation page not matching with parent ID.
69440 While Create a new activity on past date no validation message is displaying.
69439 While Create/Edit Any Opportunity record if close date less than start date no validation message is displaying.
69222 New Record gets created in Employee Table when existing user modify email address in user Manager Page.
Quotation/Quotation Template
69549 While User delete all template from Quotation Template Page if user Select Modify/Copy new Quotation template get display.
69970 User unable to Save Quotation as template with single Quote Name but same thing working at Quotation Template Page while create/copy template.